Dogs at the Table

...or to put it another way, "Perish, priest!"

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Xmas Xeep

A number of newspaper articles and broadcast pieces have started to name “Christmas Creep” as a commercially driven attempt to ramp up indulgent spending at this time of the year.

One of the reasons that we promote “The Season of the Kingdom” is to push back against two months of Christmas hype. The Incarnation, which we celebrate at Christmas is truly important as a matter of faith, but Christmas ought not to be an end in itself. When we think about God’s Kingdom, we are prompted to consider the consequences of following Christ. The Kingdom’s standards are, in fact, high, and there are expectations of each of us. The Gospels for the three weeks before Advent all describe some people being included at the banquet, or the master’s favour, or those commended in God’s eyes; and some people not being included. While this seems harsh, and we would like to think that God would include everyone, it becomes clear that those who are excluded are those who don’t care enough to look after themselves or never spare a thought for others – in other words, they are not participating in their own salvation.

So instead of giving in to Christmas Creep, focus on the things we can do to make necessary changes in our lives, care for others (and especially those in need), and remember that our faith is about preparing the world for Christ to be seen again, first and foremost in our own lives, and our community, and the world.

Today's weigh-in: 228 Creeping along.